Installing the TREND package under Windows, OS X or Linux

To obtain access to TREND, go to

Submit either an academic license agreement or request for commercial licensing, as well as the contact information for you and your laboratory. Await approval and an email message providing download access to the TREND distributions.

Though written in Python, TREND does not depend on a Python environment. The simple installation process merely creates shortcuts on the desktop and helps set environment variables of for the text shell window that will make TREND easy to use. The installation script places on the Desktop a directory containing symbolic links to the executable files with GUI.

The OS X and Linux installation script change the PATH environment variable. The Windows script TRENDterminal.bat opens a command shell in which all executable files of TREND (with suffix of .exe) can be invoked, both the versions operated by GUI and at the command line. Note that the installation process is not completed until the first calculations using trendmain and trendreconstruct trigger the download and installation of two pieces of software from the public domain for handling movies and images. This download requires both a reliable internet connection and access to github. If this access is lacking upon initial usage, please see the document no_internet_connection.pdf

Windows 7 or above

  • Unzip the TREND-1.x-Win.7z by 7zip.
  • In the unzipped folder, double clicking install.bat will create a file named TRENDterminal and a folder on the desktop and start menu named TREND-GUI containing trendmaingui.exe, trendplotgui.exe, and trendreconstructgui.exe. Refresh the desktop by right-clicking in an open area and select Refresh.
  • Invoke any of these GUI versions of the executable files by double-clicking on them within the TREND-GUI folder. If TREND was previously installed, the old version will be uninstalled before new version is installed.
  • An alternative way to run either the GUI or command-line versions of the executable files involves first double clicking on TRENDterminal.bat. This will open a Windows command shell in which you can cd to your data folder and invoke the TREND executable files. This does not change your path environment permanently and should be run every time you need a command shell window for TREND.
  • Note the .7z tarball can be deleted but the unzipped folder should not be removed or deleted, since the installation step just creates shortcuts.

Mac OS X 10.7.5 and later

  • See Known Limitations by OS if TREND apps can't be launched on OSX 10.11 and later
  • Unzip the TREND-1.x-macOS.tar.gz by double clicking the file displayed in the OS X GUI. Alternatively, run the command tar -xzvf TREND-1.x-macOS.tar.gz within a terminal shell.
  • Open a terminal shell and cd to the unzipped folder named TREND-, enter the command ./install.script to create a TREND-GUI folder on the desktop, which contains,, and The installation scripts can only be executed within the terminal shell. (Do not run this script directly from OS X desktop GUI by clicking because the installation script will not work properly).
  • Three icons,,, and will also be added to /Applications/TREND. These icons should be visible in Launchpad and the Applications folder in Finder. (Refreshing Launchpad may be needed).
  • The current TREND directory is also added to the PATH environment variable. Three lines will be added to the file ~/.bash_profile. The lines begin with #TREND path environment
  • Open a new terminal or type and enter the command source ~/.bash_profile within a terminal shell. Now all TREND commands can be launched in a terminal.
  • If TREND was previously installed, the old version will be uninstalled before the new installation.
  • sudo may be necessary if permission is required.
    An example: Download TREND-1.x-macOS.tar.gz to ~/Downloads/
  • If you are comfortable with shell terminal, you can just enter ./change_path_env.script to add the current TREND directory to PATH environment variable. No permission is required.
    tar -xzvf TREND-1.x-macOS.tar.gz
    cd ~/Downloads/TREND-1.x-macOS
    (or sudo ./install.script if permission is required)

Linux 64-bit, including Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, Fedora 23 and later,

RedHat/CentOS 7.x (7.1 and later), CentOS 6.x (6.5 and later)

  • Unzip the TREND-1.x-Ubuntu14.04.tar.gz (The string Ubuntu14.04 can be any other Linux distribution such as RHEL7.1 or Ubuntu16.04) by entering the command tar -xzvf TREND-1.x-Ubuntu14.04.tar.gz within a terminal shell.
  • Enter ./install.script within the terminal shell to add the current TREND directory to the PATH environment variable. Three lines will be added to ~/.bashrc, starting with #TREND path environment.
  • Open a new terminal or type source ~/.bashrc. Now all TREND commands can be launched in terminal.
  • Installation in Linux is similar to OS X, as the install.script is written for bash, a shell that is the default in Mac OS X and many Linux distributions.
  • However, a Linux computer may run without a desktop and may use a shell other than bash. In this case, you need to set the path environment variables yourself. e.g., modifying a shell configuration file such as .bashrc, .cshrc, .tcshrc....
    For example, if you want to install TREND on a CentOS 6.5 platform with tcsh or csh environment, just add the following lines to your .cshrc or .tcshrc files:
    set path = ($path ~/your_directory/TREND-1.x-CentOS6.5/CLI)
    set path = ($path ~/your_directory/TREND-1.x-CentOS6.5/GUI)
    Replace your_directory with the paretn directory name of the TREND folder.

Uninstalling or Moving

  • Run uninstall.bat in Windows or uninstall.script in OS X and Linux.
  • Then delete the TREND-1.x-Win ,TREND-1.x-macOS, or TREND-1.x-Ubuntu14.04 folder.
  • To move the TREND folder to a new location, first uninstall it, move the TREND foler to the new location, and install it again, thereby overwriting the previously installed TREND executable files.

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