TREND NMR: TRack Equilibrium or Non-equilibrium shifts in NMR Data

Version 1.8.8
For further information, see
For manual of classic TREND, see


Getting binding isotherms and time courses within minutes from complex spectra and movies was recently introduced by TREND. It also reconstructs simplified movies and spectra using just the components you choose. 40 academic licensees from nine countries (and growing) now enjoy these capabilities of the original package. The new TREND NMR Pro package specializes in NMR usages, saving time for professionals. TREND NMR Pro automatically computes the NMR spectral trend of your interest and fits the curve of your choice to that trend to get the parameter you need, e.g., KD or rate constant (features of TRENDanalysis. En route, it automatically recognizes your NMR file type and zooms to the spectral region you select (features of TREND NMR). You can fit and rank a series of many titrations or reactions automatically within minutes using TRENDset. For example, you can automate fitting of series of 1D or 2D spectra to estimate KD, or another parameter, using the appropriate equation. You can compare and cluster spectra of complexes to rank binders using TRENDanalysis. The automation can increase your productivity and insight, and thereby free you to think strategically.

Academic Software License Request
Non-Academic/Commerical Software License Request
TREND Academic Software License Agreement [PDF]

If you have any question, please contact [email protected]

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